It’s the 1 TIX Commander Challenge! John Praw’s budget Nekusar, the Mindrazer faces off against Card Knock Life‘s Corey Murphy with his Oona, Queen of the Fae deck. All that and more for only 1 ticket each on MTGO.
This discard-themed Nekusar deck is not just cheap on Magic: the Gathering Online, but also a great start for your own budget paper Commander build. Watch the deck tech video above, then head over to YouTube for budget Nekusar vs. Oona!
NOTE: Since we’re dealing with a large number of cards at 0.01 and 0.02 TIX that vary in price over time, this list may be slightly over or under 1 TIX when you check out. All 1 TIX Commander decks are 1 TIX or under when purchased for The Discard.
Decklist on TappedOut
Decklist on MTGGoldfish